Month in "History" -- Each month, BIRMINGHAM
REWOUND's Tim Hollis brings us an ongoing series of looks back in time
through newspaper advertisements. Also, Russell Wells serves
up a featured Birmingham radio clip. Birmingham's Centennial -- selected advertisements from a couple of commemorative publications in December 1971. Eastwood Mall's 50th anniversary -- The mall is no longer, so REWOUND did the celebrating instead. Farewell to Loveman's -- After decades of going eyeball-to-eyeball with Pizitz, on April 5, 1980, Loveman's blinked. Here are some newspaper pieces written about the demise of Loveman, Joseph and Loeb. Western Hills Mall turns 40 -- In February 2010, REWOUND paid tribute to Birmingham's third shopping mall, which opened early in 1970. Grayson's in 1945 -- pictures and a writeup about a party at this Southside establishment. Vege-Cal -- Early 20th century patent tonic in Birmingham that used one of the first roadside advertisements. Two of these life-sized "iron men" survive today. Gardendale in the 1960s -- Some pictures submitted to REWOUND by Robert Brewis. Kiddieland, 60 years ago -- June 5, 1948 was the day the rides started. Look back at some newspaper articles from the grand opening, and pictures of Kiddieland park from when it first opened. A Centennial Tribute to Cora Saxon -- Remember the SAXON'S roadside chain of candy stores and restaurants? Mrs. Cora Saxon turned 100 in March 2008, and BIRMINGHAM REWOUND celebrates her life and the "luscious candies" which carried their family name. Aaron Tanner has contributed a history of Saxon's, from its beginnings along then US-241 in Wellington, Alabama, to the tragic circumstances leading to Saxon's demise in the 1970s. Valentines of Yesteryear -- Tim Hollis goes back to the good old days when we created "mailboxes" out of shoeboxes and contact paper, and our fellow classmates would fill them with valentines.
The Roebuck Stops Here -- 50 years ago on March 14, 2007, Birmingham's second major shopping venue had its grand opening. REWOUND lit the candles on a birthday cake for Roebuck Plaza Shopping Center.
Showplaces of the South -- TIM HOLLIS has contributed two books to the Images of America series: BIRMINGHAM BROADCASTING, and his first, BIRMINGHAM'S THEATER & RETAIL DISTRICT (both available .... hint, hint!). The Arcadia Images books - as most of you know - are nearly all pictorial, with the only text being captions and brief introductions. This wasn't realized until AFTER Tim had written a very thorough and fascinating history of the old downtown movie houses. So, what to do with a manuscript gathering dust? Simple: make yet another BIRMINGHAM REWOUND feature, that's what! The Magic City Kids' Shows -- A special section by TIM HOLLIS honoring all the television personalities who for years kept Birmingham kids entertained. Birmingham Drive-In & Teen Culture, 1967 -- Remembering what it was like to be a teenager back in the day. Does "Mr. Good Guys" ring a bell? Birmingham Rewound celebrates Christmas -- In case you want a Yuletide fix, regardless of what page your calendar's on. TIM HOLLIS turned in a section guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye, or at least to let your inner child come out and play one more time. Eastwood Mall (1960-2006) -- The site which led to the creation of BIRMINGHAM REWOUND. Remember back to a day when malls were something special, not just eyesores of urban sprawl.
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