(Links are in no particular order ... honest ...) If you wish to have your Birmingham-related, Pop Culture or Americana website linked here, please e-mail me with the information and I'll add it! .... and no, I wouldn't
be the least bit offended if you chose to put a link to BIRMINGHAM REWOUND
on your site! -Russell
Atlanta Time Machine -- Oh, and Atlanta has another retro site. We can't have enough of these, now can we?
Estate Sales.org -- database of estate sales. I enjoy the thrill of the search -- perhaps you do, too. Alabama Historical Radio Society Birmingham Rails -- Fantastic site about Birmingham's railroad and industrial history. Our Graysville -- "Our city, Our friends, Our home." Gathering place for residents and friends of US 78's outermost city in Jefferson County. History of WJLD Radio -- WJLD started life as a Mutual affiliate during radio's "golden age." Both of the Rumore brothers -- Joe and Duke -- had stints at the 'JLD microphone. Leland Childs also worked here for a short time. But in the '50s the station began making its name by programming for the black audience, and they never looked back. Here is an amazingly thorough history of WJLD, and of former FM sister WJLN (now WZZK). It's a fascinating read ... would that all radio stations were so proud of their own histories. Robison Elementary School -- historical page on school in the south East Lake area. David Gleason's page on early WERC, with pictures and memories. Mort the Mystifying & Donna -- Birmingham area magicians Memorial to Matilda, the World's Oldest-Living Chicken Birmingham Music Live! in Alabama Banks High School Class of 1968 Reunion site Wenonah High School Grand Alumni Association Vulcan Park -- Website maintained by The Vulcan Park Foundation. Birminghamal.org -- Online home of the Greater Birmingham Convention & Visitors Bureau. Birmingham Rails -- "The Last Golden Era" .... it's a book published by Red Mountain Press. This website also has some fantastic vintage pictures of trains in this region. One photo has managed to frame the old Terminal Station in full, achingly vivid color. BIRMINGHAM
PUBLIC LIBRARY "Digital Project" -- A fantastic
and ambitious endeavor containing a wealth of photopgraphs and news articles
from Birmingham's past. Some pictures you'll see here, but many more
you won't.
WFL '74.com -- The home of Birmingham Americans and Birmingham Vulcans
Downtown Business Association -- Merchants and others working to revive the history and romance of Downtown Birmingham. Jefferson
County Historical Commission -- "...established in 1971 by an Act of
the Alabama State
Birmingham-Jefferson History Museum -- an organization seeking to establish a general history museum in downtown Birmingham. www.activeculture.info -- Cultural Alliance of Jefferson County Birmingham Art Association -- founded in 1908, publishers of Birmingham Arts Journal. The Museum of Fond Memories at Reed Books & Antiques. Avenues Magazine -- "Birmingham's Avenue to the Arts, Culture and Community" Magic City Moments -- Online photo journal of Birmingham, as reflected in the faces of the people who live, work and play here. While BIRMINGHAM REWOUND spotlights the city's rich past, MAGIC CITY MOMENTS is all about the city's wonderful present. And tell Jimsey that I sent you! Alabama Writers' Conclave -- Oldest continuing writers' conference in America, founded in 1923 Birmingham Art.org -- Online home for Birmingham's art community. Website of The Birmingham Museum of Art (NOTE: the Webmaster is no relation to Oscar Wells) Your City Center-- Website of Operation New Birmingham. St. Clair County, Alabama.com -- Of particular interest is Jerry Smith's nostalgic series "Time Machine." Includes features about his experiences growing up in '50s & '60s Birmingham. West End Online -- "Our Memorable Years", community for 1959-1963 graduates of WEHS. Ramsay Reunion -- Community for alumni of Ramsay High School in Birmingham. Woodlawn High School reunion site -- Reunion information for graduates of Woodlawn High. The Birmingham News -- The city's morning newspaper (although until the late '90s The News was an afternoon paper) WVOK Memories -- paying tribute to Birmingham's "Mighty 690." If folks like Dan Brennan, Don Keith, Johnny Davis, and Joe Rumore evoke nice memories of listening to the radio, you'll want to take a look. It's in the formative stages and (I hope) will grow over time. Joe Rumore.net -- tribute to the life and career of Joe Rumore, produced by Dan Cole and Joe's son Philip. Birmingham Weekly -- "Birmingham's Independent, Alternative Source" Buffalo Rock Company -- It's moved beyond the famous dark ginger-ale, and has since grown to become the Pepsi distributor for most of Alabama, and parts of Florida and Georgia. Cook's Pest Control -- Same company, same logo. Some things never change ... and shouldn't. Golden Flake -- "The South's Original Potato Chip" is now sold far outside the Birmingham area. And their peanut butter 'snacker' crackers are my favorite. I always eat 'em with a Coke. It's only right. Golden Eagle Syrup -- Still made in Fayette, Alabama. Still home-owned, too. That's nice. And that other famous Alabama syrup, Yellow Label, is still around, too. Since 1975, it's been part of Montgomery-based Whitfield Foods ... which also makes Alaga Syrup (the one famous for the bear-shaped bottle). Whitfield used to make pickles, too. Remember "the pickle with the pucker"? Swank Pad -- If '50s/'60s Americana is of interest to you, order in pizza and get ready to spend many hours here. Includes Knoxville, Then And Now, along with some other "Vanishing America" pictures (featuring several from east Alabama, too!). To help establish the proper mood for browsing, click on the "Hi-Fi" link for a constant stream of "lounge and kitsch classics." Even if you don't have a Tiki Bar, you can pretend that you have one! Hopkinsville Nostalgia -- A small city in Kentucky receives the REWOUND treatment. I love it! Plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of vintage postcards, old pictures, newspaper adverts and such. U.S.A. Yesterday -- "Old Sights Along the Roads of the U.S.A." Look and remember....... Gas Signs -- Pictures of gas stations and signage from back in the day. If you're wondering about long-lost oil companies such as Skelly, Red Bird or Freeway, here's your place. Groceteria.net -- Subtitled "Did you bring bottles?" Stories and pictures of grocery store chains, past and present. The rooster logo of Colonial Stores wasn't a figment of your imagination ... Lendy's -- A chain of Virginia restaurants in the '60s and '70s. Was originally a franchise for Kentucky Fried Chicken and Shoney's Big Boy ... and for awhile both! If you're piqued by KFC or Big Boy history, you'll enjoy it. Deadmalls.com -- What led to all this! Being introduced to this site a couple of years ago resulted in my first photo-taking pilgrimage to the near-empty Eastwood Mall, leading to Eastwood Mall Remembered -- which got me started toward Birmingham Rewound. Florida's Lost Tourist Attractions -- Paying homage to all those great tourist-traps which existed along the roadsides all over Florida, when the Disneys were just beginning to notice all that swampland southwest of Orlando. Rainbow Springs didn't used to be a nice, tranquil state park ... in the '60s, it was a theme park. Remember their monorail, complete with tacky leaf-shaped cars?
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