March 1976
Happy Birthday to Tim!
 I have a copy of this special, and it's good (right down to the Texaco commercials). The ending is magnificent.
(Joys is also noted as being the last television appearance of Groucho Marx, who by then was deep in the fog of senility. That scene is somewhat painful to watch.) |
 It's remarkable how plodding, dark and negative this whole ensemble was.
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 "I went to this Bicentennial antique show and bought a rare old phonograph once owned by George Washington."
"But they didn't have phonographs when Washington was alive."
"That's what makes it so rare."
 This was the point where some people felt these shows had exhausted all reasonable holidays and were now grabbing at straws.
 Many of those (very '70s) clothes were made in Guin, Centreville and Gadsden. |
"Naughty Co-eds" ... "Attack of the Kung-Fu Girls" ... "Dr. Black & Mr. Hyde" ....yup, 1976 was a banner year for movies.....

Looks like "The Hoober-Bloob Highway" bypassed Anniston completely.
 ....starring Birmingham's own Kate Jackson as Sabrina.

But not all was wacko in '76. Turn off the CB, and fire up the AM radio -- the Birmingham dial back then was nothing less than world-class!

 [click for a larger view]
1946 | MARCH
1956 | MARCH
1966 |