May 1973

Ohhh, to pay less than three bucks for a slab of top sirloin!

I'll say it again -- can I go back in time and do this without having to wear 1973 clothes??   Look, I don't care if I get laughed at for "dressing funny" - honest!

I'll take that dollar, thank you; it'll go a long way toward another meal at Western Sizzlin' ... even if they'll make fun of me for my "normal" clothes.

Okay, granted, I suppose obscure, indie art films deserve to get their screenings, too.   I've never seen it, and it really bothers me that it's disappeared from the classic film landscape.

Frankly, if only more people gave a so-and-so about this stuff.........

Read all about these classic characters in this book,
available from    End of plug.

Not to be outdone by The Bear:

When better locations are found, Don Drennen will build them?
(Wouldn't you really rather have a better comment?)

Egad.   '70s clothes were nothing if not a zoo........

MAY 1943 | MAY 1953 | MAY 1963 |