June 1972

Looks like Henry Pepper 
had already packed up and 
left by this time.

Don't get so excited.  HARMONY was part of CBS/Columbia ... their budget division (much like RCA's CAMDEN label).  The pickins were very slim ... sure, the artists were familiar, but usually the Harmony collections contained one hit (if that!), and generally the rest was throwaway filler.
Quite a selection of flicks 
to choose from:

The Tutwiler's days were truly numbered.
Wonder if anyone still has some of the old 
hotel's furnishings?

Metric just didn't stick
.. not even in Huntsville!

We suspect this phone number 
did NOT connect you with 
Charles Schulz's house.

On the other hand, WVOK was touting its "Shower of Stars" in a highly descript fashion.   If you missed it, fear not -- July 2, they were more than likely playing the horse barn in Montgomery for sister WBAM!

JUNE 1942 | JUNE 1952 | JUNE 1962 |