June 1966

 For some reason, I keep thinking I hear Olaf the Snowman singing in the background....

 Here's a specimen I have of such "fashion", although it doesn't look too fashionable:
of car tags, does anyone have a 1965 Jefferson County - the year I was
born - and does this awesomely generous soul have an overriding urge to
gift it to Your Webmaster? Hey, figure it can't hurt to ask,
right? |
 We know it today as "Diet 7UP" |


Oil of California (a/k/a Chevron), which had just bought Standard Oil
of Kentucky (a/k/a "potbelly" Standard Oil sign), did not turn the
other cheek when it came to Standard Oil of New Jersey (a/k/a ESSO,
Humble, et al), and sued to stop them from using the ESSO trademark in
their territory (since it was a phonetic spelling of Standard Oil's
abbreviation, y'see). Chevron prevailed. So the ESSO signs
came down, replaced with the similar-looking logo and sign of ENCO
(a/k/a ENergy COmpany).
Soon ESSO/ENCO gave up, cried "Uncle!" and rebranded all of their stations under a new name: EXXON.
 Here's a picture from circa 1967. It's of a location on US 31 south of Alabaster, just
before you picked up I-65. A sign crew is raised to the
tall ESSO sign, about to replace the two "S" squares with an "N" and a
"C." (Humble tried asking if they could buy a vowel from Chevron, but
they only laughed, saying that Wheel of Fortune was a few years off.)
By the way, "Stay on 31." The billboard said so. I-65 is the devil.
 The kind of ad that makes your breath come in short pants.
And from the "clipart is for reusing" department:

Dads. Not only do we get the same old ties and other cliche'd
gifts, but we also have a dearth of artwork to use in Father's Day
advertisements. Why didn't Bette Lee or Cousin Cliff do anything
about it??